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6 Tips to Help You Manage Multiple Projects at the Same Time

Be smart and lazy

  1. If someone can do a good job, let them. Delegation is a muscle, you need to train it.

  2. Be proactive, so you don't have to rush getting things last minute and sleeping 2hours.

  3. Ask your client for help and advice. They know their problem more than you do, it will save you time.

  4. Use previous work. If you have solved a similar problem before, start with the old solution. Even start off with the older deliverables, you can use auxi to update its design to the new client as a start. (smooooth ad isn't it? okay let's move on) 😎

Use any opportunity to sleep

  1. Your efficiency drops drastically when you’re tired. The healthier you are, the better you work.

  2. Like my Nana, perfect the art of being able to sleep anywhere, anytime.

  3. Oversleep on weekends.

Hone your skills

  1. Master the main skills of your field. Think of this as compounded interest.

  2. Make sure you learn something every day and act on it.

  3. Don't be discouraged if you feel you are not making progress. Just make sure you are at least slightly better today than yesterday. This is all you need.


  1. Everything you are working on should have a clear goal that is hit or not. The more binary the better.

  2. Track everything, including your time. Audit where you spend your time during your work day, see where you can optimize and act on it.

  3. Choose your project or task of focus for the day or the week. It’s better than doing little work here and there without finishing solid tasks. One sprint at a time.

  4. Be flexible and don't be harsh on yourself if you decide to change your priorities. It happens.

Know your key players

  1. Have a key person in each team. Choose a person you can go to, be friends with them somehow, create some sort of good connection with them to catch up and ensure that tasks are on track. You don’t have the time to talk to everyone on the team all the time!

  2. Trust your team and hold them accountable. With trust comes great responsibility, not delivering on expectations should be 'NOT OK'.


This Might take time in the beginning but will make your life a whole lot easier in terms of tracking progress and expectations.

  1. Put everything in a list of short tasks.

  2. Arrange these tasks into smaller specific actionable pieces.

  3. Make multiple lists to avoid a long list (one for project team, one for office tasks, another for customer project team, etc.).

  4. Set a pace to decide how many tasks should be completed per day.

  5. Calendar these tasks onto your work calendar and share with teams.

  6. List actions by place (office, online, phone), or by status (done, to be done, doing).

  7. Regularly update the list to know where you’re standing.

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